Razer Tron Keyboard

Prepare to lay programs and fellow gamers to waste with the precision of a Lightcycle carving a jetwall. From the rez and derez lighting effects during startup and shutdown to the smooth black finish of the Hyperesponse keys, the backlit TRON® Gaming Keyboard Designed by Razer is exactly what you need to dominate the Game Grid. A detachable modular keypad, lighting effects triggered by in-game alerts, and fully programmable keys with macro capabilities almost turn this keyboard into a Recognizer capturing you in the TRON universe.

Rez & Derez Light and Sound Effects
See and hear the backlit TRON Gaming Keyboard rez to life with authentic light and sound effects straight from the movie. Let the keyboard react to your actions on the Game Grid with authentic light alerts.

Detachable Modular Keypad Attaches on Either Side
Attach the keypad of your TRON Gaming Keyboard on either side of the main keyboard for optimal desktop space efficiency.

Flat Keys with Short Travel Distance and Immediate Actuation
The flat slim keycaps of the chiclet keyboard are using Razer Hyperesponse technology and offer a short travel distance for immediate actuation of commands.

Your Price: $149.99 

Source: RazerZone

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